SPINspiral is a parameter-estimation code for gravitational-wave signals detected by LIGO/Virgo
Data Fields
MCMCvariables Struct Reference

#include <SPINspiral.h>

Data Fields

int maxnPar
int nMCMCpar
int nInjectPar
int iIter
int nParFit
int nTemps
int iTemp
int networkSize
int mcmcWaveform
double mcmcPNorder
int injectSignal
int injectionWaveform
double injectionPNorder
int nIter
int thinOutput
int thinScreenOutput
int adaptiveMCMC
double acceptRateTarget
double minlogL
double decreaseSigma
double increaseSigma
int correlatedUpdates
int nCorr
int prMatrixInfo
double annealTemp0
int annealNburn
int annealNburn0
int parallelTempering
double maxTemp
int saveHotChains
int prParTempInfo
double chTemp
double tempOverlap
double blockFrac
double corrFrac
double matAccFr
double baseTime
int priorSet
int offsetMCMC
double offsetX
double geocentricTc
int parNumber [20]
int parID [20]
int injID [20]
double parBestVal [20]
int parFix [20]
int parStartMCMC [20]
double injParVal [20]
double parSigma [20]
int priorType [20]
double priorBoundLow [20]
double priorBoundUp [20]
int parDBn
char parName [200][99]
char parAbrev [200][99]
char parAbrv [200][99]
int parDef [200]
int mcmcParUse [200]
int injParUse [200]
int parRevID [200]
int injRevID [200]
int beVerbose
double * histMean
double * histDev
int * corrUpdate
int * acceptElems
double tempLadder [99]
double * tempAmpl
double * logL
double * nlogL
double * dlogL
double * maxdlogL
double * corrSig
int * swapTs1
int * swapTs2
int * acceptPrior
int * iHist
int ** accepted
int ** swapTss
double ** param
double ** nParam
double ** maxLparam
double ** adaptSigma
double ** adaptSigmaOut
double ** adaptScale
double *** hist
double *** covar
int seed
gsl_rng * ran
FILE * fout
FILE ** fouts

Field Documentation

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and writeMCMCheader().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and writeMCMCoutput().

Referenced by correlatedMCMCupdate(), and MCMC().

Referenced by correlatedMCMCupdate(), and MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and writeMCMCheader().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and MCMC().

Referenced by MCMC(), and setTemperatureLadder().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

char MCMCvariables::parName[200][99]

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

char MCMCvariables::parAbrev[200][99]
char MCMCvariables::parAbrv[200][99]

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), and writeChainInfo().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and startMCMCOffset().

Referenced by copyRun2MCMC(), MCMC(), and writeMCMCheader().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Defines