SPINspiral is a parameter-estimation code for gravitational-wave signals detected by LIGO/Virgo
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include/SPINspiral.h File Reference

(SPINspiral version 0.5.1, revision 275)

Main header file. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <complex.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <remez.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
#include <lal/LALInspiral.h>
#include <lal/GeneratePPNInspiral.h>
#include <lal/GenerateInspiral.h>
#include <lal/LALFrameL.h>
#include <lal/LALConstants.h>
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Data Structures

struct  runPar
struct  MCMCvariables
struct  parSet
struct  interferometer


#define TRUE   (1==1)
#define FALSE   (!TRUE)
#define h2r   0.2617993877991494263
#define r2h   3.819718634205488207
#define d2r   0.01745329251994329509
#define r2d   57.29577951308232311
#define c3rd   0.3333333333333333333
#define M0   4.926e-6
#define max(A, B)   ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
#define min(A, B)   ((A)<(B)?(A):(B))
#define USAGE   "\n\n\ Usage: lalapps_spinspiral \n\ -i <main input file> \n\ --injXMLfile <injection XML file name> --injXMLnr <injection number in XML file (0-...)> \n\ --mChirp <chirp mass in solar mass> \n\ --eta <eta between 0.03 and 0.25> \n\ --tc <t_c in GPS time, e.g. : 873731234.00000> \n\ --dist <distance in Mpc> \n\ --nIter <number of iterations> \n\ --nSkip <number of skipped steps between stored steps> \n\ --rseed <6 number random seed, e.g. 12345. Use 0 for random random seed ...> \n\ --network <network configuration, e.g. H1=[1], H1L1=[1,2], H1L1V1=[1,2,3], V1H1=[3,1]> \n\ --downsample <downsample factor> \n\ --beforetc <data before t_c being analysed in seconds> \n\ --aftertc <data after t_c being analysed in seconds> \n\ --Flow <low frequency cut off in Hz> \n\ --Fhigh <high frequency cut off in Hz> \n\ --tukey1 <alpha1, the 1st parameter of the template tukey window. default 0.0> \n\ --tukey1 <alpha2, the 2nd parameter of the template tukey window. default 0.0> \n\ --nPSDsegment <number of segments to estimate the PSD> \n\ --lPSDsegment <length of each segment to estimate the PSD> \n\ --outputPath <output path> \n\ --cache <list of cache files, e.g. [cache1,cache2]> \n\ --channel <list of channels, e.g. [H1:LSC-STRAIN,L1:LSC-STRAIN]> \n\ --PSDstart <GPS time for the start of the PSD. default begining of cache file> \n\ --template <waveform template, 3 for spin, 4 for no spin> \n\example: ./lalapps_spinspiral -i ./pipeline/SPINspiral.input --mChirp 1.7 --eta 0.12 --tc 873739311.00000 --dist 15 --nIter 5 --nSkip 1 --downsample 1 --beforetc 5 --aftertc 2 --Flow 45 --Fhigh 1600.0 --nPSDsegment 32 --lPSDsegment 4 --network [1,2] --outputPath ./pipeline/ --cache [./pipeline/H-H1_RDS_C03_L2-873739103-873740831.cache,./pipeline/L-L1_RDS_C03_L2-873739055-873740847.cache] --channel [H1:LSC-STRAIN,L1:LSC-STRAIN] --PSDstart 873740000\n\\n\n"


void readCommandLineOptions (int argc, char *argv[], struct runPar *run)
 Read and parse command-line arguments/options.
void readMainInputfile (struct runPar *run)
 Read the main input file.
void readMCMCinputfile (struct runPar *run)
 Read the MCMC input file.
void readDataInputfile (struct runPar *run, struct interferometer ifo[])
 Read the data input file.
void readInjectionInputfile (struct runPar *run)
 Read the injection input file.
void readParameterInputfile (struct runPar *run)
 Read the (MCMC) parameter input file.
void readSystemInputfile (struct runPar *run)
 Read the input file for system (system-dependent) variables, e.g. SPINspiral.input.system.
void readInjectionXML (struct runPar *run)
 Read an XML injection file if specified.
void setParameterNames (struct runPar *run)
 Set parameters names in the hardcoded parameter database.
void setConstants (void)
 Set global variables.
void setIFOdata (struct runPar *run, struct interferometer ifo[])
 Set all the data for all IFOs that may be used.
void setRandomInjectionParameters (struct runPar *run)
 Get random values for the injection parameters.
void getInjectionParameters (struct parSet *par, int nInjectionPar, double *parInjectVal)
 Returns the 'injection values' to the parameter set par.
void getStartParameters (struct parSet *par, struct runPar run)
 Returns the 'best-guess values' to the parameter set par.
void startMCMCOffset (struct parSet *par, struct MCMCvariables *mcmc, struct interferometer *ifo[], struct runPar run)
 Choose and print offset starting values for the Markov chain.
void setTemperatureLadder (struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Set up the temperature ladder for parallel tempering.
void setTemperatureLadderOld (struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Set up the temperature ladder for parallel tempering - old routine.
void allocParset (struct parSet *par, int networkSize)
 Allocate memory for the vectors in the struct parSet.
void freeParset (struct parSet *par)
 Deallocate memory for the vectors in the struct parSet.
void copyRun2MCMC (struct runPar run, struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Copy some of the elements of the struct runPar to the struct MCMCvariables.
void setMCMCseed (struct runPar *run)
void setSeed (int *seed)
 Grab a random seed from the system clock.
void MCMC (struct runPar run, struct interferometer *ifo[])
 MCMC routine - forms the MCMC core of the program.
void CholeskyDecompose (double **A, struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Compute Cholesky decomposition matrix.
void par2arr (struct parSet par, double **param, struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
 Put the MCMC parameters in an array.
void arr2par (double **param, struct parSet *par, struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
 Get the MCMC parameters out of their array.
double prior (double *par, int p, struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
 Compute the prior for the given parameter set.
double sigmaPeriodicBoundaries (double sigma, int p, struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
 Bring the adaptation sigma between its periodic boundaries.
void correlatedMCMCupdate (struct interferometer *ifo[], struct parSet *state, struct MCMCvariables *mcmc, struct runPar run)
 Do a correlated block MCMC update.
void uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate (struct interferometer *ifo[], struct parSet *state, struct MCMCvariables *mcmc, struct runPar run)
 Do an uncorrelated, per-parameter MCMC update.
void uncorrelatedMCMCblockUpdate (struct interferometer *ifo[], struct parSet *state, struct MCMCvariables *mcmc, struct runPar run)
 Do an uncorrelated block update.
void writeMCMCheader (struct interferometer *ifo[], struct MCMCvariables mcmc, struct runPar run)
 Write MCMC header to screen and file.
void writeMCMCoutput (struct MCMCvariables mcmc, struct interferometer *ifo[])
 Write an MCMC iteration as an output line to screen and/or file.
void allocateMCMCvariables (struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Allocate memory for the MCMCvariables struct.
void freeMCMCvariables (struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Deallocate memory for the MCMCvariables struct.
void updateCovarianceMatrix (struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Calculate the new covariance matrix and determine whether the new matrix should be accepted.
double annealTemperature (double temp0, int nburn, int nburn0, int iIter)
 Annealing: set the temperature according to the iteration number and burnin.
void swapChains (struct MCMCvariables *mcmc)
 Parallel tempering: Swap states between two chains.
void writeChainInfo (struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
 Parallel tempering: Print chain and swap info to screen.
double chirpMass (double m1, double m2)
 Compute chirp mass (mM) for given individual masses.
double massRatio (double m1, double m2)
 Compute symmetric mass ratio (eta) for given individual masses.
void McEta2masses (double mc, double eta, double *m1, double *m2)
 Compute individual masses (m1,m2) for given chirp mass (Mc) and symmetric mass ratio (eta)
void masses2McEta (double m1, double m2, double *Mc, double *eta)
 Compute chirp mass (Mc) and symmetric mass ratio (eta) for given individual masses (m1,m2)
double GMST (double GPSsec)
 Compute Greenwich Mean Sideral time from GPS time.
double rightAscension (double longi, double GMST)
 Compute RA from 'longitude' and GMST.
double longitude (double rightAscension, double GMST)
 Compute 'longitude' from RA and GMST.
double dotProduct (double vec1[3], double vec2[3])
 Compute the dot product of two vectors.
void facVec (double vec1[3], double fac, double vec2[3])
 Multiply a vector by a factor (scalar): vec2 = fac*vec1.
void addVec (double vec1[3], double vec2[3], double result[3])
 Add two vectors result = vec1 + vec2.
void normalise (double vec[3])
 Normalise a vector: nvec = vec / |vec|.
void crossProduct (double vec1[3], double vec2[3], double result[3])
 Compute the cross product of two vectors.
void rotate (double x[3], double angle, double axis[3])
 Rotate the vextor x about angle around the normal vector axis.
int rightHanded (double x[3], double y[3], double z[3])
 Determine whether the vectors x, y and z constitute a right-handed system.
void orthoProject (double x[3], double vec1[3], double vec2[3])
 Determines the orthogonal projection of vector x onto the span of the two ORTHONORMAL vectors vec1 and vec2.
double angle (double x[3], double y[3])
 Determines the angle between vectors x and y.
void coord2vec (double sinlati, double longi, double x[3])
 Convert geographical spherical coordinates to a Cartesian normal vector.
void vec2coord (double x[3], double *sinlati, double *longi)
 Compute geographical spherical coordinates from a Cartesian normal vector.
void IFOinit (struct interferometer **ifo, int networkSize, struct runPar run)
 Set up IFOs.
void IFOdispose (struct interferometer *ifo, struct runPar run)
 Free allocated IFO variables.
double * filter (int *order, int samplerate, double upperlimit, struct runPar run)
 Compute FIR filter coefficients.
double * downsample (double data[], int *datalength, double coef[], int ncoef, struct runPar run)
 Downsample a time series by a factor downsampleFactor.
void dataFT (struct interferometer *ifo[], int i, int networkSize, struct runPar run)
 Read the data and do a software injection if wanted.
double hannWindow (int j, int N)
 Apply a 'Hann window' to data.
double tukeyWindow (int j, int N, double r)
 Apply a 'Tukey window' to data.
double modifiedTukeyWindow (int j, int N, double r1, double r2)
 Apply a 'Tukey window' to data.
void noisePSDestimate (struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, struct runPar run)
 Returns a (smoothed) estimate of the log- Power Spectral Density.
double logNoisePSD (double f, struct interferometer *ifo)
double interpolLogNoisePSD (double f, struct interferometer *ifo)
 Returns a linearly interpolated (log-) noise PSD.
void writeDataToFiles (struct interferometer *ifo[], int networkSize, struct runPar run)
 Write windowed, time-domain data (signal + noise) to disc.
void writeNoiseToFiles (struct interferometer *ifo[], int networkSize, struct runPar run)
 Write noise ASD to disc.
void writeSignalsToFiles (struct interferometer *ifo[], int networkSize, struct runPar run)
 Write signal and its FFT to disc.
void printParameterHeaderToFile (FILE *dump, struct interferometer *ifo, struct runPar run)
 Write an optional header when saving data, ASD or signal to disc.
void waveformTemplate (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute an inspiral waveform.
void templateApostolatos (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute an Apostolatos, 12-parameter, single spin, simple-precession waveform.
void localPar (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int networkSize, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Calculate the local parameters from the global parameters.
void templateLAL12 (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute a 12-parameter (one spin) LAL waveform.
void templateLAL15old (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL waveform.
void templateLAL15 (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL waveform.
void templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL PhenSpinTaylorRD waveform.
void templateLALnonSpinning (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute waveform template for a LAL non-spinning inspiral waveform.
void LALHpHc12 (LALStatus *status, CoherentGW *waveform, SimInspiralTable *injParams, PPNParamStruc *ppnParams, int *l, struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute waveform for a 12-parameter (one spin) LAL waveform.
void LALHpHc15 (LALStatus *status, CoherentGW *waveform, SimInspiralTable *injParams, PPNParamStruc *ppnParams, int *l, struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute a waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL waveform.
void LALHpHcNonSpinning (LALStatus *status, CoherentGW *waveform, SimInspiralTable *injParams, PPNParamStruc *ppnParams, int *l, struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
double LALFpFc (LALStatus *status, CoherentGW *waveform, SimInspiralTable *injParams, PPNParamStruc *ppnParams, double *wave, int length, struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo, int ifonr)
 Compute detector response for a given detector and given h_+,h_x.
void getWaveformApproximant (const char *familyName, int length, double PNorder, char *waveformApproximant)
 Compose the waveform approximant from the family name and pN order.
void LALfreedomSpin (CoherentGW *waveform)
 Free spinning LAL variables.
void LALfreedomNoSpin (CoherentGW *waveform)
 Free non-spinning LAL variables.
void LALfreedomPhenSpinTaylorRD (CoherentGW *waveform)
 Free spinning LAL variables.
double netLogLikelihood (struct parSet *par, int networkSize, struct interferometer *ifo[], int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute the log(Likelihood) for a network of IFOs.
double IFOlogLikelihood (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int i, int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute the log(Likelihood) for a single IFO.
double logLikelihood_nine (struct parSet *par, int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute a analytical log(Likelihood)
double signalToNoiseRatio (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int i, int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute the SNR of the waveform with a given parameter set for a single IFO.
double parMatch (struct parSet *par1, int waveformVersion1, int injectionWF1, struct parSet *par2, int waveformVersion2, int injectionWF2, struct interferometer *ifo[], int networkSize, struct runPar run)
 Compute match between waveforms with parameter sets par1 and par2.
double overlapWithData (struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute frequency-domain overlap of waveform of given parameters with raw data.
double parOverlap (struct parSet *par1, int waveformVersion1, int injectionWF1, struct parSet *par2, int waveformVersion2, int injectionWF2, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, struct runPar run)
 Compute the overlap in the frequency domain between two waveforms with parameter sets par1 and par2.
double vecOverlap (fftw_complex *vec1, fftw_complex *vec2, double *noise, int j_1, int j_2, double deltaFT)
 Compute the overlap in the frequency domain between two waveforms with parameter sets par1 and par2.
void signalFFT (fftw_complex *FFTout, struct parSet *par, struct interferometer *ifo[], int ifonr, int waveformVersion, int injectionWF, struct runPar run)
 Compute the FFT of a waveform with given parameter set.
double matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters (double *pararray, struct interferometer *ifo[], struct MCMCvariables mcmc, struct runPar run)
 Compute the match between a given parameter array and the injection parameters.
void parseCharacterOptionString (char *input, char **strings[], int *n)
 parse strings from "[one,two,three]" to {"one", "two", "three"}
void readCachefile (struct runPar *run, int ifonr)
 Read a Cache file. Returns an array of what is in the cache file.


double Ms
double Mpc
double G
double c
double Mpcs
double pi
double tpi
double mtpi

Detailed Description

Main header file.

Define Documentation

#define TRUE   (1==1)
#define FALSE   (!TRUE)
#define h2r   0.2617993877991494263
#define r2h   3.819718634205488207
#define d2r   0.01745329251994329509
#define r2d   57.29577951308232311

Referenced by IFOinit().

#define c3rd   0.3333333333333333333
#define M0   4.926e-6

Referenced by templateApostolatos().

#define max (   A,
)    ((A)>(B)?(A):(B))
#define min (   A,
)    ((A)<(B)?(A):(B))
#define USAGE   "\n\n\ Usage: lalapps_spinspiral \n\ -i <main input file> \n\ --injXMLfile <injection XML file name> --injXMLnr <injection number in XML file (0-...)> \n\ --mChirp <chirp mass in solar mass> \n\ --eta <eta between 0.03 and 0.25> \n\ --tc <t_c in GPS time, e.g. : 873731234.00000> \n\ --dist <distance in Mpc> \n\ --nIter <number of iterations> \n\ --nSkip <number of skipped steps between stored steps> \n\ --rseed <6 number random seed, e.g. 12345. Use 0 for random random seed ...> \n\ --network <network configuration, e.g. H1=[1], H1L1=[1,2], H1L1V1=[1,2,3], V1H1=[3,1]> \n\ --downsample <downsample factor> \n\ --beforetc <data before t_c being analysed in seconds> \n\ --aftertc <data after t_c being analysed in seconds> \n\ --Flow <low frequency cut off in Hz> \n\ --Fhigh <high frequency cut off in Hz> \n\ --tukey1 <alpha1, the 1st parameter of the template tukey window. default 0.0> \n\ --tukey1 <alpha2, the 2nd parameter of the template tukey window. default 0.0> \n\ --nPSDsegment <number of segments to estimate the PSD> \n\ --lPSDsegment <length of each segment to estimate the PSD> \n\ --outputPath <output path> \n\ --cache <list of cache files, e.g. [cache1,cache2]> \n\ --channel <list of channels, e.g. [H1:LSC-STRAIN,L1:LSC-STRAIN]> \n\ --PSDstart <GPS time for the start of the PSD. default begining of cache file> \n\ --template <waveform template, 3 for spin, 4 for no spin> \n\example: ./lalapps_spinspiral -i ./pipeline/SPINspiral.input --mChirp 1.7 --eta 0.12 --tc 873739311.00000 --dist 15 --nIter 5 --nSkip 1 --downsample 1 --beforetc 5 --aftertc 2 --Flow 45 --Fhigh 1600.0 --nPSDsegment 32 --lPSDsegment 4 --network [1,2] --outputPath ./pipeline/ --cache [./pipeline/H-H1_RDS_C03_L2-873739103-873740831.cache,./pipeline/L-L1_RDS_C03_L2-873739055-873740847.cache] --channel [H1:LSC-STRAIN,L1:LSC-STRAIN] --PSDstart 873740000\n\\n\n"

Referenced by readCommandLineOptions().

Function Documentation

void readCommandLineOptions ( int  argc,
char *  argv[],
struct runPar run 
void readMainInputfile ( struct runPar run)

Read the main input file.

All parameters that are read here should be(come) members of the runvar struct and lose their global status

References runPar::beVerbose, runPar::dataFilename, runPar::doMatch, runPar::doMCMC, runPar::doSNR, runPar::injectionFilename, runPar::mainFilename, runPar::mcmcFilename, runPar::parameterFilename, runPar::systemFilename, UNUSED, and runPar::writeSignal.

Referenced by main().

void readMCMCinputfile ( struct runPar run)
void readDataInputfile ( struct runPar run,
struct interferometer  ifo[] 
void readInjectionInputfile ( struct runPar run)
void readParameterInputfile ( struct runPar run)
void readSystemInputfile ( struct runPar run)

Read the input file for system (system-dependent) variables, e.g. SPINspiral.input.system.

References runPar::dataDir, runPar::parameterFilename, and runPar::systemFilename.

Referenced by main().

void readInjectionXML ( struct runPar run)
void setParameterNames ( struct runPar run)

Set parameters names in the hardcoded parameter database.

References runPar::parAbrev, runPar::parAbrv, and runPar::parDef.

Referenced by main().

void setConstants ( void  )

Set global variables.

This routine should eventually contain mathematical and (astro)physical constants only.

References c, G, Mpc, Mpcs, Ms, mtpi, pi, and tpi.

Referenced by main().

void setIFOdata ( struct runPar run,
struct interferometer  ifo[] 
void setRandomInjectionParameters ( struct runPar run)
void getInjectionParameters ( struct parSet par,
int  nInjectionPar,
double *  injParVal 

Returns the 'injection values' to the parameter set par.

Remove par->mc etc. struct elements

References parSet::nPar, and parSet::par.

Referenced by dataFT(), main(), matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters(), MCMC(), and writeSignalsToFiles().

void getStartParameters ( struct parSet par,
struct runPar  run 

Returns the 'best-guess values' to the parameter set par.

References runPar::nMCMCpar, parSet::nPar, parSet::par, and runPar::parBestVal.

Referenced by main(), and MCMC().

void startMCMCOffset ( struct parSet par,
struct MCMCvariables mcmc,
struct interferometer ifo[],
struct runPar  run 

Choose and print offset starting values for the Markov chain.

Set MCMC parameters to either the best-guess values or the injection values (where possible). Then, depending on the detailed per-parameter settings, add a random offset from this value. Require a good value for logL (determined by mcmc->minlogL) in order to accept the proposed starting values, unless MCMC parameters do not fully match the injection parameters. This happens independently of whether parameters are fixed or not! Finally, print the selected starting values to screen.

References MCMCvariables::acceptPrior, arr2par(), MCMCvariables::beVerbose, MCMCvariables::injectionWaveform, MCMCvariables::injectSignal, MCMCvariables::injID, MCMCvariables::injParUse, MCMCvariables::injParVal, MCMCvariables::injRevID, MCMCvariables::iTemp, localPar(), MCMCvariables::logL, max, MCMCvariables::mcmcWaveform, netLogLikelihood(), MCMCvariables::networkSize, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, MCMCvariables::nParam, MCMCvariables::offsetMCMC, MCMCvariables::offsetX, MCMCvariables::parAbrev, MCMCvariables::param, MCMCvariables::parBestVal, MCMCvariables::parID, MCMCvariables::parSigma, MCMCvariables::parStartMCMC, prior(), MCMCvariables::priorBoundLow, MCMCvariables::priorBoundUp, MCMCvariables::ran, and MCMCvariables::thinScreenOutput.

Referenced by MCMC().

void setTemperatureLadder ( struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
void setTemperatureLadderOld ( struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
void allocParset ( struct parSet par,
int  networkSize 

Allocate memory for the vectors in the struct parSet.

References parSet::localti, parSet::locazi, and parSet::loctc.

Referenced by dataFT(), main(), matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters(), MCMC(), and writeSignalsToFiles().

void freeParset ( struct parSet par)

Deallocate memory for the vectors in the struct parSet.

References parSet::localti, parSet::locazi, and parSet::loctc.

Referenced by dataFT(), main(), matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters(), MCMC(), and writeSignalsToFiles().

void copyRun2MCMC ( struct runPar  run,
struct MCMCvariables mcmc 

Copy some of the elements of the struct runPar to the struct MCMCvariables.

References runPar::acceptRateTarget, MCMCvariables::acceptRateTarget, runPar::adaptiveMCMC, MCMCvariables::adaptiveMCMC, runPar::annealNburn, MCMCvariables::annealNburn, runPar::annealNburn0, MCMCvariables::annealNburn0, runPar::annealTemp0, MCMCvariables::annealTemp0, MCMCvariables::baseTime, runPar::beVerbose, MCMCvariables::beVerbose, runPar::blockFrac, MCMCvariables::blockFrac, MCMCvariables::chTemp, runPar::correlatedUpdates, MCMCvariables::correlatedUpdates, runPar::corrFrac, MCMCvariables::corrFrac, runPar::geocentricTc, MCMCvariables::geocentricTc, runPar::injectionPNorder, MCMCvariables::injectionPNorder, runPar::injectionWaveform, MCMCvariables::injectionWaveform, runPar::injectSignal, MCMCvariables::injectSignal, runPar::injID, MCMCvariables::injID, runPar::injParUse, MCMCvariables::injParUse, runPar::injParVal, MCMCvariables::injParVal, runPar::injRevID, MCMCvariables::injRevID, runPar::matAccFr, MCMCvariables::matAccFr, max, runPar::maxnPar, MCMCvariables::maxnPar, runPar::maxTemp, MCMCvariables::maxTemp, runPar::mcmcParUse, MCMCvariables::mcmcParUse, runPar::mcmcPNorder, MCMCvariables::mcmcPNorder, runPar::MCMCseed, runPar::mcmcWaveform, MCMCvariables::mcmcWaveform, runPar::minlogL, MCMCvariables::minlogL, runPar::nCorr, MCMCvariables::nCorr, runPar::networkSize, MCMCvariables::networkSize, runPar::nInjectPar, MCMCvariables::nInjectPar, runPar::nIter, MCMCvariables::nIter, runPar::nMCMCpar, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, runPar::nTemps, MCMCvariables::nTemps, runPar::offsetMCMC, MCMCvariables::offsetMCMC, runPar::offsetX, MCMCvariables::offsetX, runPar::parAbrev, MCMCvariables::parAbrev, runPar::parAbrv, MCMCvariables::parAbrv, runPar::parallelTempering, MCMCvariables::parallelTempering, runPar::parBestVal, MCMCvariables::parBestVal, runPar::parDBn, MCMCvariables::parDBn, runPar::parFix, MCMCvariables::parFix, runPar::parID, MCMCvariables::parID, runPar::parName, MCMCvariables::parName, runPar::parNumber, MCMCvariables::parNumber, runPar::parRevID, MCMCvariables::parRevID, runPar::parSigma, MCMCvariables::parSigma, runPar::parStartMCMC, MCMCvariables::parStartMCMC, runPar::priorBoundLow, MCMCvariables::priorBoundLow, runPar::priorBoundUp, MCMCvariables::priorBoundUp, runPar::priorType, MCMCvariables::priorType, runPar::prMatrixInfo, MCMCvariables::prMatrixInfo, runPar::prParTempInfo, MCMCvariables::prParTempInfo, runPar::saveHotChains, MCMCvariables::saveHotChains, MCMCvariables::seed, runPar::tempLadder, MCMCvariables::tempLadder, runPar::thinOutput, MCMCvariables::thinOutput, runPar::thinScreenOutput, and MCMCvariables::thinScreenOutput.

Referenced by MCMC().

void setMCMCseed ( struct runPar run)
void setSeed ( int *  seed)

Grab a random seed from the system clock.

If seed==0, set (randomise) seed using the system clock (hence a random (random seed) :-)

Referenced by main(), and setRandomInjectionParameters().

void MCMC ( struct runPar  run,
struct interferometer ifo[] 

MCMC routine - forms the MCMC core of the program.

Initialise and build a Markov chain

References MCMCvariables::acceptPrior, MCMCvariables::acceptRateTarget, MCMCvariables::adaptiveMCMC, MCMCvariables::adaptScale, MCMCvariables::adaptSigma, allocateMCMCvariables(), allocParset(), MCMCvariables::annealNburn, MCMCvariables::annealNburn0, MCMCvariables::annealTemp0, annealTemperature(), arr2par(), MCMCvariables::baseTime, MCMCvariables::beVerbose, MCMCvariables::blockFrac, MCMCvariables::chTemp, copyRun2MCMC(), correlatedMCMCupdate(), MCMCvariables::correlatedUpdates, MCMCvariables::corrFrac, MCMCvariables::corrUpdate, MCMCvariables::covar, MCMCvariables::decreaseSigma, MCMCvariables::dlogL, MCMCvariables::fouts, freeMCMCvariables(), freeParset(), getInjectionParameters(), getStartParameters(), MCMCvariables::hist, MCMCvariables::iHist, MCMCvariables::iIter, MCMCvariables::increaseSigma, MCMCvariables::injectionWaveform, MCMCvariables::injectSignal, MCMCvariables::injID, MCMCvariables::injParUse, MCMCvariables::injParVal, MCMCvariables::injRevID, MCMCvariables::iTemp, localPar(), MCMCvariables::logL, max, MCMCvariables::maxdlogL, MCMCvariables::maxLparam, MCMCvariables::mcmcWaveform, MCMCvariables::minlogL, MCMCvariables::nCorr, netLogLikelihood(), MCMCvariables::networkSize, MCMCvariables::nInjectPar, MCMCvariables::nIter, MCMCvariables::nlogL, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, MCMCvariables::nParam, MCMCvariables::nParFit, MCMCvariables::nTemps, runPar::outputPath, par2arr(), MCMCvariables::parallelTempering, MCMCvariables::param, MCMCvariables::parBestVal, MCMCvariables::parFix, MCMCvariables::parID, MCMCvariables::parSigma, MCMCvariables::prParTempInfo, MCMCvariables::ran, MCMCvariables::saveHotChains, MCMCvariables::seed, setTemperatureLadderOld(), sigmaPeriodicBoundaries(), startMCMCOffset(), swapChains(), MCMCvariables::tempAmpl, MCMCvariables::tempLadder, MCMCvariables::tempOverlap, tpi, uncorrelatedMCMCblockUpdate(), uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate(), updateCovarianceMatrix(), writeChainInfo(), writeMCMCheader(), and writeMCMCoutput().

Referenced by main().

void CholeskyDecompose ( double **  A,
struct MCMCvariables mcmc 

Compute Cholesky decomposition matrix.

Performs Cholesky decompositon of matrix A and returns result in the same matrix - adapted from PJG Fortran function If matrix is not positive definite, return zeroes

References MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, and MCMCvariables::parFix.

Referenced by updateCovarianceMatrix().

void par2arr ( struct parSet  par,
double **  param,
struct MCMCvariables  mcmc 
void arr2par ( double **  param,
struct parSet par,
struct MCMCvariables  mcmc 
double prior ( double *  par,
int  p,
struct MCMCvariables  mcmc 

Compute the prior for the given parameter set.

Contains boundary conditions and prior information for the MCMC. Try to avoid returning 0, to increase jump sizes

References mtpi, pi, MCMCvariables::priorBoundLow, MCMCvariables::priorBoundUp, MCMCvariables::priorType, and tpi.

Referenced by correlatedMCMCupdate(), startMCMCOffset(), uncorrelatedMCMCblockUpdate(), and uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate().

double sigmaPeriodicBoundaries ( double  sigma,
int  p,
struct MCMCvariables  mcmc 

Bring the adaptation sigma between its periodic boundaries.

References min, pi, MCMCvariables::priorType, and tpi.

Referenced by MCMC(), and uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate().

void correlatedMCMCupdate ( struct interferometer ifo[],
struct parSet state,
struct MCMCvariables mcmc,
struct runPar  run 

Do a correlated block MCMC update.

Do an update for all non-fixed MCMC parameters. Use the covariance matrix to take into account correlations. The covariance matrix has been constructed from previous iterations. Use adaptation to scale the whole matrix. Some experiments with larger jumps using the 'hotter' covariance matrix.

References MCMCvariables::accepted, MCMCvariables::acceptPrior, MCMCvariables::adaptiveMCMC, MCMCvariables::adaptSigmaOut, arr2par(), MCMCvariables::chTemp, MCMCvariables::corrSig, MCMCvariables::covar, MCMCvariables::decreaseSigma, MCMCvariables::increaseSigma, MCMCvariables::iTemp, localPar(), MCMCvariables::logL, max, MCMCvariables::mcmcWaveform, min, MCMCvariables::minlogL, netLogLikelihood(), MCMCvariables::networkSize, MCMCvariables::nlogL, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, MCMCvariables::nParam, par2arr(), MCMCvariables::param, MCMCvariables::parFix, prior(), and MCMCvariables::ran.

Referenced by MCMC().

void uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate ( struct interferometer ifo[],
struct parSet state,
struct MCMCvariables mcmc,
struct runPar  run 
void uncorrelatedMCMCblockUpdate ( struct interferometer ifo[],
struct parSet state,
struct MCMCvariables mcmc,
struct runPar  run 

Do an uncorrelated block update.

Do an update for all non-fixed MCMC parameters in the current T chain. Propose a jump and decide whether to accept or not for all parameters at once. No adaptation here, some experimenting with larger jumps every now and then.

References MCMCvariables::accepted, MCMCvariables::acceptPrior, MCMCvariables::adaptSigma, arr2par(), MCMCvariables::chTemp, MCMCvariables::iTemp, localPar(), MCMCvariables::logL, max, MCMCvariables::mcmcWaveform, min, MCMCvariables::minlogL, netLogLikelihood(), MCMCvariables::networkSize, MCMCvariables::nlogL, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, MCMCvariables::nParam, par2arr(), MCMCvariables::param, MCMCvariables::parFix, prior(), and MCMCvariables::ran.

Referenced by MCMC().

void writeMCMCheader ( struct interferometer ifo[],
struct MCMCvariables  mcmc,
struct runPar  run 
void writeMCMCoutput ( struct MCMCvariables  mcmc,
struct interferometer ifo[] 
void allocateMCMCvariables ( struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
void freeMCMCvariables ( struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
void updateCovarianceMatrix ( struct MCMCvariables mcmc)

Calculate the new covariance matrix and determine whether the new matrix should be accepted.

Compute the new covariance matrix for the current T chain. Determine by the 'improvement' of the new matrix whether it should be accepted.

References MCMCvariables::acceptElems, CholeskyDecompose(), MCMCvariables::corrUpdate, MCMCvariables::covar, MCMCvariables::hist, MCMCvariables::histDev, MCMCvariables::histMean, MCMCvariables::iIter, MCMCvariables::iTemp, MCMCvariables::matAccFr, max, MCMCvariables::nCorr, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, MCMCvariables::nParFit, MCMCvariables::nTemps, MCMCvariables::parFix, and MCMCvariables::prMatrixInfo.

Referenced by MCMC().

double annealTemperature ( double  temp0,
int  nburn,
int  nburn0,
int  iIter 

Annealing: set the temperature according to the iteration number and burnin.

References max, and min.

Referenced by MCMC().

void swapChains ( struct MCMCvariables mcmc)
void writeChainInfo ( struct MCMCvariables  mcmc)
double chirpMass ( double  m1,
double  m2 

Compute chirp mass (mM) for given individual masses.

double massRatio ( double  m1,
double  m2 

Compute symmetric mass ratio (eta) for given individual masses.

void McEta2masses ( double  mc,
double  eta,
double *  m1,
double *  m2 

Compute individual masses (m1,m2) for given chirp mass (Mc) and symmetric mass ratio (eta)

Referenced by dataFT(), LALHpHc15(), templateApostolatos(), templateLAL15(), templateLALnonSpinning(), and templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD().

void masses2McEta ( double  m1,
double  m2,
double *  Mc,
double *  eta 

Compute chirp mass (Mc) and symmetric mass ratio (eta) for given individual masses (m1,m2)

double GMST ( double  GPSsec)

Compute Greenwich Mean Sideral time from GPS time.

Computes the Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (in radians!) from GPS time (in seconds). See K.R. Lang (1999), p.80sqq.

References pi.

Referenced by dataFT(), LALHpHc12(), LALHpHc15(), localPar(), templateApostolatos(), templateLAL15(), templateLALnonSpinning(), and templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD().

double rightAscension ( double  longi,
double  gmst 

Compute RA from 'longitude' and GMST.

All quantities are in radians

References mtpi, and tpi.

double longitude ( double  ra,
double  gmst 

Compute 'longitude' from RA and GMST.

Computes the 'longitude' from the right ascension and GMST. All quantities are in radians. In fact, 'longitude' is something like the Greenwich hour angle of the corresponding RA.

References mtpi, and tpi.

Referenced by LALHpHc12(), LALHpHc15(), localPar(), templateApostolatos(), templateLAL15(), templateLALnonSpinning(), and templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD().

double dotProduct ( double  vec1[3],
double  vec2[3] 

Compute the dot product of two vectors.

Referenced by templateApostolatos().

void facVec ( double  vec1[3],
double  fac,
double  vec2[3] 

Multiply a vector by a factor (scalar): vec2 = fac*vec1.

Referenced by templateApostolatos().

void addVec ( double  vec1[3],
double  vec2[3],
double  result[3] 

Add two vectors result = vec1 + vec2.

Referenced by templateApostolatos().

void normalise ( double  vec[3])

Normalise a vector: nvec = vec / |vec|.

void crossProduct ( double  vec1[3],
double  vec2[3],
double  result[3] 

Compute the cross product of two vectors.

Referenced by templateApostolatos().

void rotate ( double  x[3],
double  ang,
double  axis[3] 

Rotate the vextor x about angle around the normal vector axis.

Rotates vector x clockwise around axis (looking along axis while it is pointing towards you). axis must be a UNIT VECTOR

Referenced by IFOinit().

int rightHanded ( double  x[3],
double  y[3],
double  z[3] 

Determine whether the vectors x, y and z constitute a right-handed system.

Determines whether vectors x,y & z constitute a right-handed system by checking the sign of the triple product or det(x,y,z).

Referenced by localPar(), and vec2coord().

void orthoProject ( double  x[3],
double  vec1[3],
double  vec2[3] 

Determines the orthogonal projection of vector x onto the span of the two ORTHONORMAL vectors vec1 and vec2.

Referenced by localPar(), and vec2coord().

double angle ( double  x[3],
double  y[3] 

Determines the angle between vectors x and y.

Referenced by localPar(), and vec2coord().

void coord2vec ( double  sinlati,
double  longi,
double  x[3] 

Convert geographical spherical coordinates to a Cartesian normal vector.

Turns geographical coordinates (latitude & longitude) into a vector - Result is a unit (!) vector referring to the (right-handed) coordinate system spanned by the three vectors pointing from geocenter to: x) intersection of greenwich meridian and equator y) intersection of 90 deg. East meridian and equator z) north pole

Referenced by IFOinit(), and localPar().

void vec2coord ( double  x[3],
double *  sinlati,
double *  longi 

Compute geographical spherical coordinates from a Cartesian normal vector.

Inverse of coord2vec() (see there for more details)

References angle(), orthoProject(), pi, and rightHanded().

void IFOinit ( struct interferometer **  ifo,
int  networkSize,
struct runPar  run 

Set up IFOs.

Determines interferometer arm (unit-) vectors (and others), given position (lat/long) and arm angles. Vectors refer to the (right-handed) Earth coordinate system spanned by the three vectors: x) from geocenter to intersection of greenwich meridian with equator plane; y) from geocenter to intersection of 90E meridian with equator plane; z) from geocenter to north pole.

References interferometer::after_tc, interferometer::before_tc, runPar::beVerbose, coord2vec(), dataFT(), interferometer::dataTrafo, interferometer::deltaFT, interferometer::FTsize, runPar::geocentricTc, interferometer::highCut, interferometer::highIndex, interferometer::index, interferometer::indexRange, interpolLogNoisePSD(), interferometer::leftvec, interferometer::lowCut, interferometer::lowIndex, interferometer::noisePSD, noisePSDestimate(), interferometer::normalvec, interferometer::orthoArm, pi, interferometer::positionvec, runPar::PSDsegmentLength, runPar::PSDsegmentNumber, r2d, interferometer::radius_eqt, interferometer::radius_pole, interferometer::raw_dataTrafo, interferometer::rightvec, rotate(), and runPar::tukeyWin.

Referenced by main().

void IFOdispose ( struct interferometer ifo,
struct runPar  run 
double* filter ( int *  order,
int  samplerate,
double  upperlimit,
struct runPar  run 

Compute FIR filter coefficients.

The filter has a total of N=(order+order-1) coefficients that are symmetric, i.e. coef[k] = coef[N-k]. For details & filter properties see the function downsampling() below.

References BANDPASS, runPar::beVerbose, runPar::downsampleFactor, and remez().

Referenced by dataFT(), and noisePSDestimate().

double* downsample ( double  data[],
int *  datalength,
double  filtercoef[],
int  ncoef,
struct runPar  run 

Downsample a time series by a factor downsampleFactor.

Downsamples a time series by factor downsampleFactor by first low-pass filtering it using a finite-impulse-response (FIR) filter and then thinning the data. Filter coefficients are determined using the 'Parks-McClellan' or 'Remez exchange' algorithm. The resulting data vector is shorter than original. Returned vector is allocated using fftw_malloc() and thus must be freed again using fftw_free().

References runPar::downsampleFactor.

Referenced by dataFT(), and noisePSDestimate().

void dataFT ( struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  networkSize,
struct runPar  run 
double hannWindow ( int  j,
int  N 

Apply a 'Hann window' to data.

Window data using a Hann window. j = 0, ..., N-1

References pi.

Referenced by noisePSDestimate().

double tukeyWindow ( int  j,
int  N,
double  r 

Apply a 'Tukey window' to data.

Window data using a Tukey window. For r=0 equal to rectangular window, for r=1 equal to Hann window (0<r<1 denotes the fraction of the window in which it behaves sinusoidal). j = 0, ..., N-1

References pi.

Referenced by dataFT().

double modifiedTukeyWindow ( int  j,
int  N,
double  r1,
double  r2 

Apply a 'Tukey window' to data.

Window data using a Tukey window. r1 for lower frequency windowing, r2 for upper frequency windowing. For r=0 equal to rectangular window, for r=1 equal to Hann window (0<r<1 denotes the fraction of the window in which it behaves sinusoidal). j = 0, ..., N-1

References pi.

Referenced by waveformTemplate().

void noisePSDestimate ( struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
struct runPar  run 

Returns a (smoothed) estimate of the log- Power Spectral Density.

Data is split into K segments of M seconds, and K-1 overlapping segments of length 2M are eventually windowed and transformed.

References runPar::beVerbose, runPar::commandSettingsFlag, downsample(), runPar::downsampleFactor, filter(), runPar::FrameGPSstart, runPar::FrameLength, runPar::FrameName, hannWindow(), runPar::nFrame, interferometer::noisefileoffset, interferometer::noisefilesize, interferometer::noiseGPSstart, runPar::PSDsegmentLength, runPar::PSDsegmentNumber, interferometer::PSDsize, runPar::PSDstart, and interferometer::raw_noisePSD.

Referenced by IFOinit().

double logNoisePSD ( double  f,
struct interferometer ifo 
double interpolLogNoisePSD ( double  f,
struct interferometer ifo 

Returns a linearly interpolated (log-) noise PSD.

References interferometer::highCut, interferometer::lowCut, interferometer::PSDsize, and interferometer::raw_noisePSD.

Referenced by IFOinit().

void writeDataToFiles ( struct interferometer ifo[],
int  networkSize,
struct runPar  run 
void writeNoiseToFiles ( struct interferometer ifo[],
int  networkSize,
struct runPar  run 

Write noise ASD to disc.

The noise ASD is the square root of the estimated noise PSD (no injected signal).

References runPar::beVerbose, interferometer::deltaFT, interferometer::indexRange, runPar::MCMCseed, printParameterHeaderToFile(), and runPar::writeSignal.

Referenced by main().

void writeSignalsToFiles ( struct interferometer ifo[],
int  networkSize,
struct runPar  run 

Write signal and its FFT to disc.

Write a signal with the injection parameters and its FFT to disc, as *-signal.dat.* and *-signalFFT.dat.*.

References allocParset(), runPar::beVerbose, freeParset(), interferometer::FTout, getInjectionParameters(), interferometer::highIndex, runPar::injectionWaveform, runPar::injParVal, localPar(), runPar::MCMCseed, runPar::nInjectPar, printParameterHeaderToFile(), interferometer::samplesize, waveformTemplate(), and runPar::writeSignal.

Referenced by main().

void printParameterHeaderToFile ( FILE *  dump,
struct interferometer ifo,
struct runPar  run 

Write an optional header when saving data, ASD or signal to disc.

The header idendtifies the (waveform) parameters.

References runPar::injID, runPar::injParVal, runPar::nInjectPar, runPar::parAbrev, and interferometer::snr.

Referenced by writeDataToFiles(), writeNoiseToFiles(), and writeSignalsToFiles().

void waveformTemplate ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute an inspiral waveform.

Compute an inspiral waveform template. waveformVersion determines the template to use. injectionWF indicates whether this is an injection waveform (1) or not (0).

References modifiedTukeyWindow(), interferometer::samplesize, templateApostolatos(), templateLAL12(), templateLAL15(), templateLALnonSpinning(), templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD(), runPar::tukey1, and runPar::tukey2.

Referenced by dataFT(), IFOlogLikelihood(), signalFFT(), signalToNoiseRatio(), and writeSignalsToFiles().

void templateApostolatos ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute an Apostolatos, 12-parameter, single spin, simple-precession waveform.

Compute a spinning, 'simple-precession' template in restricted 1.5PN order with 1 spin (Apostolatos et al., 1994, PhRvD..49.6274A). The output vector ifo[ifonr]->FTin is of length ifo[ifonr]->samplesize, starting at 'tstart'(?) and with resolution ifo[ifonr]->samplerate.

References addVec(), c3rd, crossProduct(), dotProduct(), facVec(), interferometer::FTin, GMST(), interferometer::highCut, runPar::injParUse, runPar::injRevID, parSet::localti, parSet::locazi, parSet::loctc, longitude(), interferometer::lowCut, M0, McEta2masses(), runPar::mcmcParUse, Mpcs, mtpi, parSet::NdJ, parSet::par, runPar::parRevID, pi, interferometer::samplesize, and tpi.

Referenced by waveformTemplate().

void localPar ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  networkSize,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Calculate the local parameters from the global parameters.

Calculate the local (i.e. in the detector frame) parameters from the global parameters. par : pointer to parameter set (struct) ifo : pointer to interferometer data (struct)

References angle(), c, coord2vec(), interferometer::FTstart, GMST(), runPar::injRevID, parSet::localti, parSet::locazi, parSet::loctc, longitude(), mtpi, orthoProject(), parSet::par, runPar::parRevID, pi, interferometer::positionvec, rightHanded(), and tpi.

Referenced by correlatedMCMCupdate(), dataFT(), main(), matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters(), MCMC(), startMCMCOffset(), uncorrelatedMCMCblockUpdate(), uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate(), and writeSignalsToFiles().

void templateLAL12 ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute a 12-parameter (one spin) LAL waveform.

Merge this routine with LALHpHc12() ?

Use the LAL <=3.5 PN spinning waveform, with 1 spinning object (12 parameters)

References interferometer::FTin, LALFpFc(), LALfreedomSpin(), LALHpHc12(), and interferometer::samplesize.

Referenced by waveformTemplate().

void templateLAL15old ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL waveform.

Merge this routine with LALHpHc15() ? - Done: new routine now called templateLAL15()

Use the LAL 3.5/2.5 PN spinning waveform, with 2 spinning objects (15 parameters)

References interferometer::FTin, LALFpFc(), LALfreedomSpin(), LALHpHc15(), and interferometer::samplesize.

void templateLAL15 ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL waveform.

Use the LAL 3.5/2.5 PN spinning waveform, with 2 spinning objects (15 parameters)

References getWaveformApproximant(), GMST(), runPar::injectionPNorder, runPar::injRevID, LALFpFc(), LALfreedomSpin(), longitude(), McEta2masses(), runPar::mcmcPNorder, mtpi, parSet::par, runPar::parRevID, interferometer::samplesize, and tpi.

Referenced by waveformTemplate().

void templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL PhenSpinTaylorRD waveform.

Use the LAL 3.5/2.5 PN spinning hybrid PhenSpinTaylorRD waveform, with 2 spinning objects (15 parameters). Phenomenological ring-down attached

References interferometer::FTin, interferometer::FTstart, getWaveformApproximant(), GMST(), runPar::injectionPNorder, runPar::injRevID, LALfreedomPhenSpinTaylorRD(), longitude(), McEta2masses(), runPar::mcmcPNorder, mtpi, parSet::par, runPar::parRevID, interferometer::samplesize, and tpi.

Referenced by waveformTemplate().

void templateLALnonSpinning ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 
void LALHpHc12 ( LALStatus *  status,
CoherentGW *  waveform,
SimInspiralTable *  injParams,
PPNParamStruc *  ppnParams,
int *  l,
struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute waveform for a 12-parameter (one spin) LAL waveform.

Merge this routine with templateLAL12() ?

Compute h_+ and h_x from the parameters in par and interferometer information in ifo. l is a pointer to get the lenght of the waveform computed, this length is also available as waveform->phi->data->length.

References GMST(), runPar::injectionPNorder, runPar::injRevID, longitude(), interferometer::lowCut, runPar::mcmcPNorder, mtpi, parSet::par, runPar::parRevID, interferometer::samplerate, and tpi.

Referenced by templateLAL12().

void LALHpHc15 ( LALStatus *  status,
CoherentGW *  waveform,
SimInspiralTable *  injParams,
PPNParamStruc *  ppnParams,
int *  l,
struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute a waveform for a 15-parameter (two spins) LAL waveform.

Merge this routine with templateLAL15() ? - Done: new routine is templateLAL15(), old one templateLAL15old()

Compute h_+ and h_x form the parameters in par and interferometer information in ifo. l is a pointer to get the lenght of the waveform computed, this length is also available in waveform->phi->data->length.

References getWaveformApproximant(), GMST(), interferometer::highCut, runPar::injectionPNorder, runPar::injRevID, longitude(), interferometer::lowCut, McEta2masses(), runPar::mcmcPNorder, mtpi, parSet::par, runPar::parRevID, interferometer::samplerate, and tpi.

Referenced by templateLAL15old().

void LALHpHcNonSpinning ( LALStatus *  status,
CoherentGW *  waveform,
SimInspiralTable *  injParams,
PPNParamStruc *  ppnParams,
int *  l,
struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 
double LALFpFc ( LALStatus *  status,
CoherentGW *  waveform,
SimInspiralTable *  injParams,
PPNParamStruc *  ppnParams,
double *  wave,
int  length,
struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo,
int  ifonr 

Compute detector response for a given detector and given h_+,h_x.

Compute the detector response for a given detector (ifonr) and h_+,h_x. the structure waveform must already hold the computed values of h+,x (or just a1, a2, phi and shift as a function of time)

References interferometer::FTstart, and parSet::par.

Referenced by templateLAL12(), templateLAL15(), templateLAL15old(), and templateLALnonSpinning().

void getWaveformApproximant ( const char *  familyName,
int  length,
double  PNorder,
char *  waveformApproximant 

Compose the waveform approximant from the family name and pN order.

Referenced by LALHpHc15(), templateLAL15(), templateLALnonSpinning(), and templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD().

void LALfreedomSpin ( CoherentGW *  waveform)

Free spinning LAL variables.

Referenced by templateLAL12(), templateLAL15(), and templateLAL15old().

void LALfreedomNoSpin ( CoherentGW *  waveform)

Free non-spinning LAL variables.

Referenced by templateLALnonSpinning().

void LALfreedomPhenSpinTaylorRD ( CoherentGW *  waveform)

Free spinning LAL variables.

Referenced by templateLALPhenSpinTaylorRD().

double netLogLikelihood ( struct parSet par,
int  networkSize,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute the log(Likelihood) for a network of IFOs.

References IFOlogLikelihood(), and logLikelihood_nine().

Referenced by correlatedMCMCupdate(), MCMC(), startMCMCOffset(), uncorrelatedMCMCblockUpdate(), and uncorrelatedMCMCsingleUpdate().

double IFOlogLikelihood ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  i,
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute the log(Likelihood) for a single IFO.

References vecOverlap(), and waveformTemplate().

Referenced by netLogLikelihood().

double logLikelihood_nine ( struct parSet par,
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute a analytical log(Likelihood)

References runPar::nMCMCpar, parSet::par, and runPar::parRevID.

Referenced by netLogLikelihood().

double signalToNoiseRatio ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  i,
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute the SNR of the waveform with a given parameter set for a single IFO.

References vecOverlap(), and waveformTemplate().

Referenced by main().

double parMatch ( struct parSet par1,
int  waveformVersion1,
int  injectionWF1,
struct parSet par2,
int  waveformVersion2,
int  injectionWF2,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  networkSize,
struct runPar  run 

Compute match between waveforms with parameter sets par1 and par2.

References signalFFT(), and vecOverlap().

Referenced by main(), and matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters().

double overlapWithData ( struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute frequency-domain overlap of waveform of given parameters with raw data.

References signalFFT(), and vecOverlap().

double parOverlap ( struct parSet par1,
int  waveformVersion1,
int  injectionWF1,
struct parSet par2,
int  waveformVersion2,
int  injectionWF2,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
struct runPar  run 

Compute the overlap in the frequency domain between two waveforms with parameter sets par1 and par2.

References signalFFT(), and vecOverlap().

Referenced by main().

double vecOverlap ( fftw_complex *  vec1,
fftw_complex *  vec2,
double *  noise,
int  j_1,
int  j_2,
double  deltaFT 

Compute the overlap in the frequency domain between two waveforms with parameter sets par1 and par2.

Referenced by IFOlogLikelihood(), overlapWithData(), parMatch(), parOverlap(), and signalToNoiseRatio().

void signalFFT ( fftw_complex *  FFTout,
struct parSet par,
struct interferometer ifo[],
int  ifonr,
int  waveformVersion,
int  injectionWF,
struct runPar  run 

Compute the FFT of a waveform with given parameter set.

References interferometer::FTsize, and waveformTemplate().

Referenced by overlapWithData(), parMatch(), and parOverlap().

double matchBetweenParameterArrayAndTrueParameters ( double *  pararray,
struct interferometer ifo[],
struct MCMCvariables  mcmc,
struct runPar  run 

Compute the match between a given parameter array and the injection parameters.

Add support for two different waveform families

References allocParset(), freeParset(), getInjectionParameters(), MCMCvariables::injectionWaveform, MCMCvariables::injParVal, localPar(), MCMCvariables::mcmcWaveform, MCMCvariables::networkSize, MCMCvariables::nInjectPar, MCMCvariables::nMCMCpar, parSet::par, and parMatch().

void parseCharacterOptionString ( char *  input,
char **  strings[],
int *  n 

parse strings from "[one,two,three]" to {"one", "two", "three"}

Read and parse command-line arguments/options Parses a character string (passed as one of the options) and decomposes it into individual parameter character strings. Input is of the form input : "[one,two,three]" and the resulting output is strings : {"one", "two", "three"} length of parameter names is by now limited to 512 characters. (should 'theoretically' (untested) be able to digest white space as well. Irrelevant for command line options, though.)

Referenced by readCommandLineOptions().

void readCachefile ( struct runPar run,
int  ifonr 

Read a Cache file. Returns an array of what is in the cache file.

References runPar::cacheFilename, runPar::FrameDetector, runPar::FrameGPSstart, runPar::FrameLength, runPar::FrameName, runPar::FramePrefix, and runPar::nFrame.

Referenced by readCommandLineOptions().

Variable Documentation

double Ms

Referenced by setConstants().

double Mpc

Referenced by setConstants().

double G

Referenced by setConstants().

double c
double Mpcs
double pi
double tpi
double mtpi
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